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Module "pager"





Const pageRange

  • pageRange(id: number, maxID: number, maxBt: number): Range

Const pager

  • pager(_opts: PagerOpts): (Anonymous function)
  • Higher order container component for paged navigation buttons. The returned component function takes these arguments:

    • ctx - hdom context object
    • id - current page ID (zero-based)
    • numItems - current number of items
    • pageLen - number of items per page (only used for calculation)
    • maxButtons - number of page buttons to show (default: 5). If zero, only the prev / next and first / last buttons will be shown.

    If there are more pages than the specified number, only the neighboring page IDs (relative to the current page) are shown. E.g. If there are 10 pages, the current page ID is 5 and 3 visible page buttons then the pager will look like this (the | character here indicates button group boundaries):

    << < | 4 5 6 | > >>

    Providing pageLen and maxButtons as arguments allows to dynamically control the number of page buttons at runtime, e.g. in response to window resizing.

    Yields a component of page buttons and prev / next and first / last navigation buttons. The actual button and button group components are defined via the user supplied options. The first / prev and next / last nav buttons are paired within inner div elements (one per pair) and can be styled (or hidden) separately.

    // initialization
    const mypager = pager({
      button: (i, curr, max, label, disabled) =>
        ["a", {href: `/page/${i}`, disabled}, label]
    // usage
    [mypager, currPage, currNumItems, 10, 5]


    Returns (Anonymous function)

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