Interface ColorRangeOpts

interface ColorRangeOpts {
    base?: ReadonlyVec | CSSColorName;
    eps: number;
    num: number;
    rnd: IRandom;
    variance: number;


base?: ReadonlyVec | CSSColorName

Base color. Either a TypedColor instance, CSSColorName or raw LCH tuple. Its hue will be used as bias to create a randomized variation (based on ColorRangeOpts.variance).

eps: number

Tolerance for grayscale check (used for both saturation and brightness).

Default Value

num: number

Nunber of result colors.

Default Value

rnd: IRandom

PRNG instance to use for randomized values

Default Value


variance: number

Max. normalized & randomized hue shift for result colors. Only used if a base color is given.

Default Value

0.025 (i.e. +/- 9 degrees)

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