Interface QueryOpts

Query behavior options.

interface QueryOpts {
    cwise: boolean;
    equiv: Predicate2<any>;
    intersect: boolean;
    partial: boolean;


cwise: boolean

If true (default), any array or Set values in the target object's O(bject) position will be matched componentwise rather than matched as array value themselves.


Array or Set terms in S(ubject) or P(redicate) position are of course ALWAYS matched in a componentwise manner.


import { defQuery } from "";

const DB = { a: { knows: ["b","c"] }, b: { knows: ["a","c"] }};
defQuery({ cwise: true })(DB, null, "knows", "b")
// { a: { knows: ["b","c"] } }

defQuery({ cwise: false })(DB, null, "knows", (x) => x.includes("b"))
// { a: { knows: ["b","c"] } }

Default Value

equiv: Predicate2<any>

Equality predicate applied for matching literals in O(bject) position.

Default Value
intersect: boolean

Only used if cwise is enabled. If true, ALL of the query elements must match (aka intersection query). If false (default), an array or Set query term in O(bject) position will succeed if at least ONE of its elements is matched (aka union query). .

Default Value

partial: boolean

If false (default), an entire object is included in the solution as soon as any of its P(redicate)-O(bject) terms matches. If true, only the successfully matched property values will be included for each result.


import { defQuery } from "";

const DB = { a: { id: 1, name: "alice" }, b: { name: "bob" } };

defQuery({ partial: false })(DB, null, "id", 1)
// { a: { id: 1, name: "alice" } }

defQuery({ partial: true })(DB, null, "id", 1)
// { a: { id: 1 } }

Default Value


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