Interface PubSubOpts<A, B, T>

interface PubSubOpts<A, B, T> {
    equiv?: Predicate2<T>;
    id?: string;
    topic: Fn<B, T>;
    xform?: Transducer<A, B>;

Type Parameters

  • A
  • B
  • T


equiv?: Predicate2<T>

Equivalence check for topic values. Should return truthy result if given topics are considered equal.

id?: string

Optional subscription ID for the PubSub instance.

topic: Fn<B, T>

Topic function. Incoming values will be routed to topic subscriptions using this function's return value.

xform?: Transducer<A, B>

Optional transformer for incoming values. If given, xform will be applied first and the transformed value passed to the topic fn.

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