Interface GroupOpts

interface GroupOpts {
    after?: LifecycleHandler;
    afterEach?: LifecycleHandler;
    before?: LifecycleHandler;
    beforeEach?: LifecycleHandler;
    exit: boolean;
    fmt: StatusFormatters;
    logger: ILogger;
    maxTrials: number;
    stop: boolean;
    timeOut: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


Lifecycle hook to cleanup user state and/or execute side effects after all test cases in the group.

afterEach?: LifecycleHandler

Lifecycle hook to cleanup user state and/or execute side effects after each test case in the group.

Lifecycle hook to prepare user state and/or execute side effects before all test cases in the group.

beforeEach?: LifecycleHandler

Lifecycle hook to prepare/reset user state and/or execute side effects before each test case in the group.

exit: boolean

(Node env only) If true any test failures will also cause the Node process to exit with failure code 1.

Default Value

logger: ILogger
maxTrials: number
stop: boolean

Unless false, the first uncaught error (test failure) will cause the entire group to fail.

Default Value

timeOut: number

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